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Found 27460 results for any of the keywords the post editor. Time 0.010 seconds.
How to Change Your Text Size and Color in WordPress - The Blog StarterWhen writing a post in WordPress you will see a few text options on the post editor screen like bold, italics, and strikethrough. But what if you want to change the size of the text? Or the color?
Introducing Block Bindings, part 1: connecting custom fields WordPreThe first tutorial in a two-part series that introduces the Block Bindings API in WordPress 6.5. Part 1 focuses on custom fields.
Core Editor Improvement: Commanding the Command Palette Make WordPreThese “Core Editor Improvement…” posts (labeled with the #core-editor-improvement tag) are a series dedicated to highlighting various new features, improvements, and more from Core Editor related projects. The following
YD Recent Posts Widget | Yann Bug DuboisImportant notice : since October 2013, the YD Recent Posts Widget plugin has been officially replaced and superseded by the WP Frontpage News Plugin, available
Ok folks. Everybody stay calm. It’s happening. Polls are here. – @stafWe’re starting to roll out a polls feature for the post editor across all platforms. Yes, that’s all platforms. That’s iOS, Android, and web. You should all have access to this in the next few days. And what’s more, it’s
How to Start a Blog in 2025 - Easy Guide to Create a Blog for BeginnerThis easy guide on how to start a blog for beginners has step-by-step video, pictures, and free personal assistance to create your first blog.
Thesis: A Modular Template and Design System for WordPressThesis began its life as the first million-dollar WordPress Theme, but over time, it transformed into a modular template and design system for WordPress. Themes that run on Thesis are called Skins, and FOCUS, our flagshi
How to Start a Blog: The Complete Beginner’s Guide | Hosting ReviewIn order to provide this service for free, we may receive compensation from the sites listed. We believe in transparency.
Best Blogger TricksBlogger is an incredibly user-friendly platform for crafting and sharing blog posts. Whether you're telling personal stories, offering professional insights, or marketing a product, writing a blog post on Blogger is both
Tech Things KutitotsSo what brought about the new theme? Nothing much. The old one was just really well, old. I grew tired of it. Unfortunately, the web designer side of me trumped the blogger side I just couldn t bring myself to blog w
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